Friday, March 8, 2013

ToT: I'm no Superman

Super Woman Secrets: What is one of your secrets to keeping it all together? Super Woman Shortcuts: What's something you're willing to fudge, since you're so busy being super woman in every other aspect of your life?

This is an interesting topic for me.  While I do have secrets and shortcuts, I hadn't really put them into words until I read these questions a few weeks ago.

I feel compelled to present you with THIS:

Lazlo Bane - Superman (Scrubs opening song)

My ONE secret for keeping it all together?  Exactly what the song says..."I can't do this all on my own..."

Those who know me know that there is no truer statement than this one:  I am a perfectionist. I do not delegate and I'd rather do it myself the right way than ask for help...even if that means I compromise some part of own well-being.

So, my secret is...Chris. 

Chris is there to help me with whatever it is I need help with.  Having a reliable partner in crime is one key to happiness for me.  He helps cook and clean and take care of the child.  He helps with paying the bills and making sure there is wine in the house.  He listens when I need him to listen.  He makes suggestions when I need them.  He gives me a swift kick in the ass when I'm being a jerk.  He makes me feel like I'm never alone.

Wow...that makes him sound like a stalker.  He isn't.  Atleast I hope he isn't.

Chris has helped me realize over the years that sometimes DONE is better than PERFECT.  He's made me realize that asking for and accepting help when I need it does not make me weak.  And while I still prefer to do most things myself, I am better at letting people be nice to me.

That being said, there are a few more general ideas that I keep floating around in the ol' noggin while navigating my way through life.  They are as follows:
  • Don't be so hard on yourself.  It doesn't do anyone any favors, especially YOU.
  • Laugh.  Find the humor.  Life is so much easier if you don't take it so seriously.
  • Have real life experiences.  We won't be lying on our deathbeds in 60 years saying, "Man, I sure am glad I worked my whole life away and never had any fun."

There are definitely things I'm willing to fudge.  The Numero Uno thing I tend to fudge is....wait for mom will faint....housework.

No, we do not live in filth.  Yes, I clean the house.  No, it isn't built into my weekly schedule and on the same day every week.  By the way, what's a weekly schedule?!?  Schedule?!?  What the hell is that? 

Last night, I cleaned 2 bathrooms.  And then I played dress up with Jaynie.  And then we had a dance party.  She won't want me to play with her forever.  She won't think I'm the best dancer in the world for much longer.  I want to have these memories and hold onto them because...THE DIRTY DISHES WILL BE THERE TOMORROW.

I do keep up with the regulars.  You know, the dishes, the laundry, making sure the main areas are decluttered.  But I DO not and WILL not compromise fun and relationships to make sure my house is spotless all at once.  I'll have time to do that when I have time to do it. 

So, dear readers...what are your secrets?  Are there things you're willing to let go of so you can excel in other areas?  Don't forget to check out the other ToT entries in the sidebar!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love your 3 reminders. All so true, and so important.